My friend gets horrifically drunk on nights out! She never knows when to stop and is just a nightmare to go out with. You know the night will consist of looking after her and it ruins our night! She knows we would never leave her. She's a great person when she isn't drinking. We've tried chatting to her, she's having none of it!
Kisses x
You'll have to find a way of getting it through to her that she's being quite selfish. You don't want to spend the nights constantly watching her back! Some people have no self-control and it's not good.
Tell her that her behaviour is actually quite dangerous, what if you guys weren't there to watch over her? She needs to change her ways othewise threaten not to go out with her anymore. Tell her if she doesn't sort it out, it can risk changing your friendship status. If she's a good mate, she won't want that to happen and think twice before downing that 8th shot!
Sounds like a nightmare! I say DITCH.... you don't need that!